LPO Classes Are Open For Registration

Posted: July 26, 2017

The POST grant will provide funding for five LPO classes this year.  One of these has been purchased by the North Central training region and will be open only to that region until March 9.  The remainder are open to all Colorado LE agencies but each agency is limited to four participants per class.  The exception is if an agency is providing an instructor.  That contribution is what allows us to stretch the POST funds to do additional classes.  This year we hope to add a training class for new instructors so that we can do more classes each year going forward. 

Janet Larson posted the classes on the CSOC website on Tuesday, July 25.  They fill very quickly!  A notice is also being sent to all the training coordinators in the state so that they can be ready to register your folks.  The website is coloradosheriffs.org and Janet’s email is [email protected], if you have questions.